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Catherine MacFarlane
Manager, ConstructionVesselBase, S&P Global Commodity Insights
Catherine MacFarlane, manager of the ConsturctionVesselBase product within the Petrodata suite at S&P Global Commodity Insights.Catherine leads coverage of the global construction vessel market through the ConstructionVesselBase database, covering both the oil and gas and offshore wind sectors. Catherine's primary areas of interest and expertise include the offshore wind installation market, the offshore wind service operation vessel (SOV) market and the subsea vessel market. As well as co-authoring a report on the offshore wind turbine installation vessels, she is a regular presenter at subsea and vessel conferences and has also presented on the North Sea decommissioning vessel market.
Prior to taking over the management of ConstructionVesselBase, Catherine was the managing editor of Markit's Decommissioning Report - NW Europe Edition and also reported on the Northwest Europe, Mediterranean and West Africa field development markets.
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