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Customer LoginsJessica Goh
Lead analyst for Engineering and Fabrication, Costs and Technology, S&P Global Commodity Insights
Jessica Goh, lead analyst for Engineering and Fabrication within the Costs and Technology team at S&P Global Commodity Insights.Jessica is the lead analyst responsible for the S&P Global Commodity Insights Costs and Technology Engineering and Fabrication capability. She is a member of the Costs and Technology team in the Asia Pacific. She is responsible for the team's research in the yards and fabrication space. This includes the fabrication of topsides; jackets; floating production, storage, and offloading/floating storage and offloading; floaters (semisubmersibles, tension leg platforms, and spars); and floating LNG market segments, as well as the various yards and fabrication market indices. She has supported oil and gas companies on their market intelligence requirements, contracting and project execution strategy for their offshore EPC projects worldwide. Jessica is also the lead analyst for the Asia Pacific regional industry and cost trends reports as well as a regular contributor to the offshore wind reports. Prior to joining S&P Global, Jessica gained immense experience in market intelligence and the evaluation cost efficiencies as a business manager with a manufacturing company in the electronics industry. Earlier in her career, she held responsibilities as product engineer and project manager for various manufacturing and civil construction projects.
Jessica is based in Singapore. She holds a bachelor's degree in Supply Chain Management, and a diploma in Electrical Engineering.
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